This illustration was set up for the Farm to School branding for Prairie Farms. Those milk half pints you grew up with in school needed a fresh and fun update with updated signage and website for kids. This illustration appeared in a website with games, crafts and recipes for kids.

Quick sketch: as you can see, there's some frustrated cow/horse hybrids I worked through to get to the finished Cow student. I loved developing the student characters, incorporating some small details with what they wear and what they like is reflected in the clothing and accessories on their desks.

Love the useful ruler for the back side of the bookmark.

The illustration was featured in banners and bookmarks around schools reminding students of the local journey of milk.

Cookie on kid's t-shirts! I might've snagged one of these goodies for myself.

Cookie sticker with a newborn calf.

Love seeing the kid's Cookie coloring pages. So many fun color interpretations!